Monday, January 31, 2011


1.) Well some qualities I noticed in the documentary that I could use for my art peice would be the idea of a plain symbol that has a meaning behind it. It doesn't have to be colorful. Also some another quality would be using items and crafts and things in your home to come up with one main peice of art that has to do with my consumption project junk mail. And try and make a symbol out of the variety of junk mail scraps.

2.) What amazed me about the artists work was that each andeveryone of them either came up with a picture, symbol, or design that meant something to them or they though was a smart idea. The work the artists did was something they were confident in and knew would amaze people who spotted their works.

3.) They used their work to convey a message just by symbols and words and things like that. And sometimes their work was so good that people knew the message right away without much thought about it. Like for example if they comment on an aspect of society, or when they convey a specific emotion or mood then people get the point that their trying to get across to them.

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